
How to enjoy Fresher’s week 2020

August 31, 2020

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Fresher’s week marks the first week at the university in the United Kingdom. This event is meant to allow the students to indulge in freedom as there are no rules or restrictions to hold one student back! Before diving into the ocean of knowledge and entering university class, fresher’s week tends to make students’ minds more refreshed and motivated.

However, the fresher’s week event aims not only to welcome first-year new students but also to create the opportunity so that new students can meet new people and grow their network before entering the university. In plain words, as a fresher you will get everything you need to kick-off your university life in fresher’s week event.

Most of the universities organise fresher’s week every year, whenever they are welcoming a new batch of university students. To everyone’s utter surprise, this year, universities are planning to organise the event ‘virtually.’ This decision is the outcome of the safety measure, which is taken with the view to curbing the impact of the novel coronavirus, pandemic. Coronavirus, COVID-19, has stumbled upon the whole world and leading everyone to maintain social distancing, virtual interaction, and other safety measures so that everyone remains safe from this airborne virus.

So how will you enjoy the fresher’s week in this new normal? The Guardian has revealed how some universities in UK are planning to host fresher’s week. For instance, the University of Leeds is going to organise digital fresher’s events including virtual escape rooms, yoga and meditation classes will be held into 2021. Unlike some academic institutions, the University of Bath is looking forward to hosting outdoor events such as an open-air cinema night next to its on-campus lake and a farmers’ market with vendors selling locally sourced produce.

Needless to say, this time, fresher’s week events won’t have that excitement, fun, and enjoying like before as all the essences are associated with interacting with each other physically. It may sound boring at the beginning, but you will enjoy it after attending the event virtually. Here some way to enjoy freshers’ week event at home:

1.    Join Online Group

It goes without saying that online meeting is the best way to interact effectively and efficiently with group of people. Sometimes it becomes impossible to meet and greet everyone in the physical fresher’s week event, so this can be considered one of the advantages of attending fresher’s week. However, you should not restrict yourself to the bubbles, instead, embrace the fact that you will meet with them physically and maintain the same relationship you have established with them.

2.    Share What You Love

Primarily in fresher’s week, students talk about themselves to get to know each other. While attending a virtual fresher’s week, make sure you are doing the same, and there is no restriction at all.

3.    Play Games With Others

Nothing can stop you from enjoying fresher’s week events! That being said, you can participate in games either hosted by the institution or by yourself. Even if you are stuck at home, you are still getting the chance to indulge the equal excitement while attending the virtual fresher’s week event. There are many game options available to play online, go for your preferred one so that you can enjoy the event to the fullest.

Final Thought

This year fresher’s week will not be the same as it used to be, but what if you take this year fresher’s week event as something new and embrace it as it is? The human mind is happy when it has the determination to stay satisfied with what they have or get. By following this universal principle, ponder the fresher’s week event as the new one and take the opportunity to make that event like you always wanted!

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