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How To Check Your Dissertation: Is the Research Reliable Or Not?

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Writing a dissertation is not easy. It requires proper planning, a bundle of relevant sources, research problems, and good writing skills. Sometimes it gets complicated as you have to come up with an excellent piece of paper to get the desired grades. While researching for articles and other scholarly material to write a research paper, essay, or any other content, it is essential to find credible sources for the information. 

The resources are compiled and collated from numerous sources, for instance, books, newspapers, journals, magazines, websites, etc. Some of these resources are also known as popular sources, and others are considered scholarly sources. 

Many times, students find it difficult to trust the credibility of the sources which they are taking help from. Are you one of those who ever feel uncertain about a source’s credibility and authenticity while conducting literature research? If yes, you should try Schoolus –  the most trusted dissertation writing services UK. We can help you reliably prepare your dissertation. Meanwhile, we have come up with tricks and hacks to recognise the scholarly sources to get the reliable information to be presented for assignments, dissertations, thesis writing, etc. Let’s find out. 

Tips For Identifying Popular Sources

  • Magazines And Newspapers

These sources are considered to be the most popular ones. They cater to the masses and have articles and editorials written by writing experts in general ways using popular/common language. These write-ups do not follow a kind of format and rarely have endnotes and references. Newspapers serve as one of the major references for writing your dissertation, and you can’t miss out on reading lots of them. 

  • Books And Journals

On the other hand, books and journals are included in scholarly sources and are intended for students, academics, specialist readership of researchers, and professionals. The reviews and articles published in books and journals are written deeply with proper research by the researchers and specialists in the subject area they are specialised in. Apart from the standard writing format, these publications always include figures, tables, and previously published articles for reference. 

These popular sources are not without merit and can also include well-considered writing. The purpose of distinguishing between these types of work is to check the degree of in-depth research and authority on the given topic and their intrinsic academic value. If your project allows it, you can rely on these popular sources. 

If you want to pick the best journals as references for your dissertation, avoid searching the journals with the help of keywords. Rather, focus on your subject area, search with the key journal(s), and by article/author/paper. It will not only save you a lot of time, but you will have relevant articles with you for your literature review. Ultimately, you will get positive results. 

Tips For Identifying Scholarly Sources

Scholarly sources are also known as refereed or peer-viewed sources. Mostly the researchers rely on these sources only. Here are some categories to which the scholarly sources belong-

  1. Journals: An article published in a journal will contain these characteristics.
  2. Authors: It will include the name of the author with their institutional affiliation, academic credentials, address, and the email id provided by the publication. 
  3. Publishers: Publishers are mostly the academic publishing houses, research organisations, universities, professional bodies, or other recognised authorities doing research.
  4. Content: The content in the article has its specific target audience in the area of the subject. The article has a format and a structure, including keywords, abstract, methodology, discussion, bibliography, conclusion, etc. 
  5. Books: Books have been a source of information for a long time. The books that you refer to for your dissertation have the following list of information in them:-
  6. Author: You can check the credibility of the author by verifying their biography details. 
  7. Publishers: Books published by trade or professional associations, university presses, institutes, government offices, commercial publishers, and research centres are always trustworthy and deliver scholarly content.

To sum it up!

Discussing and describing error-free and correct information is essential for academic writing. The above-mentioned points will help you find authentic sources of scholarly material. Moreover, you can look for authentic scholarly sources in the libraries. Though the authentication process may take time and effort, it will help you advance your task and will give you more confidence in your writing. 

And if you want to save some time in writing the dissertation, we have the solution for that as well. Schoolus is the platform to address all your writing needs. Our essay writing services UK will deliver original, plagiarism-free content and provide 24/7 support to you. What’s more? We promise a professional team of writers to write for you, free amendments, high-quality standard custom paper, and on-time delivery for your academic projects. You can’t go wrong by choosing us as your dissertation partner. 

So, without any further ado, get in touch with us for more information and present a fantastic dissertation.

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