Category: Uncategorized

Exploring Data Analysis with Excel From Basics to Insights

Exploring Data Analysis with Excel: From Basics to Insights

June 26, 2024

Microsoft Excel, a staple in the world of data analysis, offers a powerful suite of tools that can transform raw data into meaningful insights. My journey with Excel began out of necessity during my first job, but it quickly turned into a passion as I discovered its potential. In this blog, I’ll walk you through […]

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How To Write An Analytical Essay?

Writing a regular essay and writing an analytical essay there is a difference between two. An analytical essay is highly dependent on critical analysis. It is a piece where the writer decides to analyze the chosen work. You need to see everything through a critical lens while writing an analytical essay. This essay could be […]

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Effects of the Pandemic on the Mental Health of Students

March 12, 2021

Covid-19 has or is affecting everyone’s life in one way or the other. Our ways of living and communicating were altered in a bid to survive during this pandemic. Having being used to doing everything manually and physically, we have now adjusted to learning how to get things done virtually. The shift in methods of […]

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student working in Germany

Coolest Work-Study Jobs on Campus

August 31, 2020

Need a job to earn extra money? On-campus job is the best choice for those students who are looking for employment that will not only increase their chances of employability but also add gain potential knowledge. As a matter of fact, on-campus job can give you the opportunity to be very productive  There is no […]

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How to enjoy Fresher’s week 2020

August 31, 2020

Fresher’s week marks the first week at the university in the United Kingdom. This event is meant to allow the students to indulge in freedom as there are no rules or restrictions to hold one student back! Before diving into the ocean of knowledge and entering university class, fresher’s week tends to make students’ minds […]

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Is taking “The GAP YEAR” worth it?

August 31, 2020

As you are here, perhaps you are being confused about whether you should take a year out or not. A misconception exists in our society that a sabbatical year can diminish one’s attention to the study and lead the students to dropout from the class. This is NOT CORRECT in most cases, instead, it is […]

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10 Tips To Rock Your Presentation

August 31, 2020

No wonder you want to stand out in the class as the best presenter, and how you accomplish such fame? The straightforward answer to this question is you need to give your best in order to go people dumbfounded at your presentation. There is a misconception that presentation skill depends on the students’ cognitive level […]

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Life as a University Fresher

August 31, 2020

Life has various stages. Each stage comprises different essences to determine the aspect you are going to carry till the next stage. Undoubtedly, going to university is one of the stages which comes with transitions that perhaps have not happened before. Remember the first day of your school? Whether you were nervous or happy, those […]

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August 21, 2020

Essay writing is one of the inevitable academic tasks as it helps the students to determine and pen their thinking in a very constructive way following the instruction from the instructor or tutor. However, writing a perfect essay is not an innate skill that one can just take the guidance and write the best out […]

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Brexit deal: A Holistic Analysis

July 20, 2020

Brexit, what is this all about, and why are people talking about this? You may ask. Whether you have seen it in the newspaper or heard about it from someone, you want to learn more about this so-called Brexit deal. Without further ado, let’s jump into the pool of fundamental information on Brexit deal What […]

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