
10 Tips To Rock Your Presentation

August 31, 2020

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No wonder you want to stand out in the class as the best presenter, and how you accomplish such fame? The straightforward answer to this question is you need to give your best in order to go people dumbfounded at your presentation. There is a misconception that presentation skill depends on the students’ cognitive level as well as the behavioral approach including introvert and extrovert behavior in one. This can be true to some extent, but there is a way to make this in general.

Typically, presentation skill is not pondered as the innate skill, instead, it takes efforts and practice to dominate the presentation ground. Few tips can help one take a strong grasp of the presentation ground, whether the class is full or half empty. In terms of advice, there are so much to consider, but basically, two basics aspects must be taken into account which are presentation approach and the other one is the slides and relevant components.

This article will help with the tips to elevate both aspects in order to accomplish your presentation skill. Here are 10 tips to improve your presentation approach:

1.      Know Your Audience

Before preparing for your presentation day, you must consider the psychology of your audience in order to create the best impression at the beginning of your presentation.

2.      Start With A Grabber

If you look at some of the best presentations, you will notice that presenters come up with a story or a question or creating an interactive activity in order to grab audiences’ attention effectively. What this does, is it makes your audience to hear from you. This approach also makes the audience more curious.

3.      Practice Your Speech

It goes without saying that ‘practice makes perfect,’ which means to acquire any skill or quality, you need dedication, determination, and constant practice. You can use a mirror approach where you stand in front of the mirror and see how you are looking and find out the lacking in your approach and fix those. Other than this, give a mock presentation in front of your peers so that you can get more constructive feedback. After all, you need to give your best in your presentation.

4.      Interact With Audience

Interaction is crucial in order to make an audience-oriented presentation, which is the best approach. In general, interaction refers to those activities that you can do taking a moment during your presentation. For instance,  ask whether they have understood it or not, if that is not suitable, then try to come up with materials that will let the audience to cooperate with you directly.

5.      Have Physical Gesture

You don’t want to look too dull in your presentation. The physical gesture is one of the most essential criteria to make your presentation outstanding. By physical gesture, it is referring to the proper eye-contact with your audience. It wise to avoid look at the slides frequently and read out of it, instead explain those slides to the the audience while looking at them properly. Also, having hand gestures will show that you are confident enough on what you are presenting. Keep in mind that do overdo that it because that will distract the audience and create a negative impression.

6.      Create Best Slides

A presentation without slides is nothing but pond without water, which means you need to have a slide on the subject you are presenting. If you look at the prominent presenters, for instance, TEDx presenters also use slides to make their presentation more vivid and relatable with what they are saying or presenting in front of the audience.

7.      Maintain Voice Intonation

It may occur that your audience, at some point, may lose their attention. To get their attention back, voice intonation is one of the best practices. Besides, it also reflects your confidence and subject’s understanding of where you are stressing on.

8.      Exploit Visual Appearance

While having a slide, make sure it has all the elements in order to make it the best slides in the class. Your slide must not contain paragraphs or not too many bullet points, use eye-pleasing font colours if necessary, attach relatable image (don’t get too cozy unless it is a casual presentation), and other elements in order to meet the standards of the best slide. Remember, a slide is one of the most essential and prominent elements of your presentation must-have.

9.      Look At Others’ Presentation

It is wise to learn from others who are already good at presentation. If you look at those skilled presenters’ presentations keenly, you will find out the tactics they use to impress the instructors.

10. Ask Question

Though it may sound cliché, never forget to ask your audience whether they have any questions or not. As a result, your instructor will not only understand that you have done your research thoroughly, but also the audience will become more active. Moreover, when you get any questions from the audience, always appreciate it and answer it politely. Eventually, you will stand out as the top-presenter in the class. Good Luck!

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